If you are experiencing an emergency situation, call 911.
If you are in need of immediate assistance, you may want to contact one of the organizations listed below. Sandra Bravo, LPC and Bravo Counseling Center, PLLC provide this information for your convenience and are not affiliated with any of the following organizations.
Austin Travis County Integral Care
24/7 Helpline provides around the clock crisis support as well as access to all of their programs and services for adults and children.
512.472.HELP (4357)
Crisis Text Line
Free 24/7 support for people in crisis through text messaging.
Text: 741741
Hope Alliance Crisis Center
Provide a variety of no-cost services to help victims of domestic and sexual violence and their family members. Phone answered 24/7.
National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI)
They are dedicated to improving the quality of life of all individuals living with mental illness and their families.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.